India - a country with a long history, full of riddles and mysteries. The people of this country are known as experts in the human body and its relationship with the outside world, and Indian girls shine with beauty. Their skin is always soft and pure, and all this despite the scorching sun and heat.
Particular attention is paid Indian women cleanse the skin. Due to hot climate oily, prone to rapid contamination of the skin is not uncommon.
Lemon - the most effective means of care lies with this skin type. Try to make a mask of lemon juice with curd. Mix a tablespoon of juice and a tablespoon of cottage cheese, apply on your face, after a while rinse with warm water.
Narrow your enlarged pores and clean them also help to egg white. It is applied to the skin for 15 minutes, then wash off with warm water to which lemon juice is added.
See gallery "The most beautiful girls in India"
If you have dry skin, you will tender petals of roses and marigolds. Pour into the pan 100 ml of milk whey and add 50g of petals, boil for 30 minutes on a small window. After this, cool broth and let it brew for several hours. Results apply as a mask.
Masks from different fruits and vegetables are also popular among the Indians. In warmer climates, fruit trees and vegetables grow in abundance all year round and do not require chemical fertilizers in cultivation. This allows the people of India use the products themselves directly in pure form, without adding harmful preservatives. Such a mask and give the desired effect.
Here are two simple recipes masks that you can easily do yourself:
- Tomatoes, cucumbers and pumpkins chop and stir, then apply on your face and rinse with warm water
- Just chop plums or apricots, leave on skin for 10 minutes, wash
We have already described how the protein can be used to cleanse the skin - the rest, egg yolk, also suitable. Add the honey. Hold the skin for 20 minutes and rinse off with cool water.
To skin was smooth and tender, Indian beauty taking baths with the addition of simple, but at the same time very effective ingredients. For example, vegetable oil, honey, dry or normal milk. Distributed by the use of essential oils such as lavender or pine - you can choose any other, depending on the desired outcome and type of your skin.
Indian women always clean their skin that is why the looks beautiful all the time.
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